NAPFA Foundation Social Media Volunteer Toolkit
Thank you for volunteering with the NAPFA Foundation. Sharing on social media is a great way to encourage other colleagues and peers to volunteer their time as well.
We invite you to connect with the NAPFA Foundation on social media and utilize the provided sample posts, hashtags, and graphics below to help us in sharing valuable information and generating enthusiasm for the Foundation.
Foundation Hashtags
Write Your Message
Please feel free to tweak the copy below based on your own excitement about the NAPFA Foundation!
I am proud to volunteer with the NAPFA Foundation! Learn how you can make a difference today: http://bit.ly/3QxpVOJ
Join me in making a difference! I encourage you to volunteer with the NAPFA Foundation today. Learn more about the NAPFA Foundation’s pro-bono volunteer opportunities here: http://bit.ly/3QxpVOJ
This year the NAPFA Foundation turns 20 years old! Please join me in volunteering as we celebrate all that the Foundation has accomplished. http://bit.ly/3QxpVOJ
Join me in creating an impact! I strongly urge you to consider volunteering with the NAPFA Foundation today. Explore the rewarding pro-bono volunteer opportunities offered by the NAPFA Foundation here: http://bit.ly/3QxpVOJ
I offered {insert time} hours of pro-bono advice through {insert program}. I encourage you to volunteer with the NAPFA Foundation: http://bit.ly/3QxpVOJ
Share a Graphic
Right click on an image to save it and share it with your post!